CIVICUS Civil Society Index

An international action-research project by and for civil society

One World Trust and CIVICUS working together to improve knowledge exchange

Posted by civilsocietyindex on October 30, 2009

The Civil Society Index team is now pleased to be working closely with the One World Trust to better share and disseminate knowledge generated by civil society self-regulatory initiatives, including the findings of the CSI project.


One World Trust

  About the One World Trust

The One World Trust is an independent think tank that conducts research, develops recommendations and advocates for reform to make policy and decision-making processes in global governance more accountable to the people they affect now and in the future, and to ensure that international laws are strengthened and applied equally to all.  To achieve this the OWT develops practical tools and recommendations in support of organisational reform, identifying gaps in the accountability of governance systems, and highlighting opportunities for cross-sector learning.  

Visit the One World Trust’s website at


About the CSO SRI Portal

The One World Trust has launched a portal on civil society self-regulation which includes a database listing over 320 initiatives (codes of conduct, certification schemes, working groups, self-assessments and information services) across 80 countries. Each initiative has a unique page with summaries of its content; contact details; areas and types of activities the initiative addresses; a list of participant organisations; compliance, monitoring and sanctioning mechanisms; among others.

The launch of their database provides the first ever detailed stock-taking of the content and mechanisms of CSO self-regulation worldwide. In addition, the portal offers an interactive map of CSO self-regulatory initiatives linking directly to the database, briefing papers, and the latest news on CSO self-regulation. The portal will be an important tool for civil society organisations, donors, researchers and the general public interested in the self-regulation of the sector.  

Visit the One World Trust’s CSO SRI portal at

One Response to “One World Trust and CIVICUS working together to improve knowledge exchange”

  1. Dear Madam/Sir,

    Greetings from Jakarta,

    When would be the forthcoming CIVICUS World Assembly and where.

    I have a good chance to participate in the Global People’s Summit and also the World Peace Summit of the Religious and Spiritual Leaders in the United Nations, New York 200

    Please keep me informed with CIVICUS activities

    Yours in peace

    Drs. Habib Chirzin
    President, Islamic Forum on Peace and Human Security Studies
    Jakarta, Indonesia

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